Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Comical people.
A Muslim who turned out to be a Buddhist. A liar and easy to bully. He whispers instead of talking normally. He does good massage. He still craving for his vodka and beer.
The fat naive horny dude with an attitude problem. Pablo's lover. He has another lover called Alvert.
He's always on the phone with his peeps and carries his handbag everywhere. Doesn't talk much. A racist and a rapist who went to prison for 5 years.
A not-sexy woman with a flat-chest, small ass and stubbles. A Malaysian too!
The smooch type of guy. Always drag people into his arms. Yes, and annoying. Manja~
Fake name: Saifol with an "O"
Bio: A lost pretty Malaysian who lives in Petaling Jaya. Jan-Jan's 2nd lover.
Fake name: Takai.
Bio: Japanese + Chinese who is currently working somewhere. Jenny's anak.
Fake name: Pablo Sinchan.
Bio: A Thai driver who is 17 years old with an illegal license. Enemies with Randy the molester.
Fake name: Pedro Dynamite.
Bio: The friendly and easy-to-get-along-with person. He got along so well with Jan-Jan in just a few minutes. Easily gets sick when seeing transsexuals in action.
Fake name: Achai.
Bio: The magician who got molested by Jan-Jan.
Mr.Sleepyhead :p
Zul is going to get interviewed later on around 10 in the morning. Best of luck mate! :D He's like all nervous and I said just relax, just imagine I'm the one who is going to interview you. Do you know what he said? If that guy was me, he'd slap me. HAHAHA! Do it then :p Finally, Zul is going to work at a cinema. He can give me free tickets anytime. Right Zul? :D Come on lah.
Anyways, we ninja'd again tonight. Afiq has problems and stuffs about him and his girlfriend. I don't know the exact story though, but.. he slitted his arms! 7 cuts on his right and 8 on his left. Is he emo or what? :p We drove off to Zul's and waited at the normal place. Kept on calling him, but there seems to be no answer. Tried to signal through the kitchen window, but there's no one. The living room lights went off all of a sudden. So we sat there, like bums waiting for their food to come. Unfortunately, he was sleeping! Fathul got tired of waiting so we decided to pick him up first, then get back to Zul's and think of a plan on how to wake him up.
After that, we went back and he is still sleeping. How to wake Zul up in the middle of the night? It's easy :) Throw pebbles at his sliding door which leads to his veranda. I threw one pebble which triggers the vibration of the railings. I'm not good at throwing :( At last, he woke up ; peeping through the glass, doesn't know how much time has passed.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Friendship Is The Most Important Value For Us
How do you imagine your life without friends? Our answer to this question would be very simple: we just can’t imagine it without the ones, whom we can trust, relieve our feelings to them expecting to hear a sincere advice, share both happiness and the most sorrowful moments without any doubts that you will be left alone with your problems. Only close friends can make you smile and feel better even the most stressful day! They won’t let you feel miserable and depressed, insistently trying to cheer you up as much as it’s possible!
My friend and I totally agree with the idea that the main reason why friends are so important for us is not our concrete need for help, but knowing that we would immediately get that help is the most important! What we also believe, is that if you want to be certain that the person you consider your friend is your true friend, go to the mountains with him and you will see! A true friend won’t leave you in trouble.
There is also a short poem about friendship:
Good friends - the biggest wealth
And their friendship is always good.
A person in his life forgets a lot of things
A friend - never forgets his friend…
That’s why we value friendship so much. What can be better than having a friend, who is with you not only when you are in a good mood, but also when you bristle with difficulties or feel a bit under the weather. As the old proverb says, “Friends are for all your life”, so it is a must to value and appreciate them.
Kedayan Music :D
HAHAHA! Aduk-Aduk is a ceremonial dance performed by the Kedayan people during holidays, especially at the end of the harvest season. Dancers wear traditional warrior's attire, in tengkolok, red belt and black clothing, and dance to the beat of silat, a Malay martial art. This dance is accompanied by percussion instruments, including drums and coconut shells.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
No interest.
Hmm. I seem to have no interest in Friendster anymore. It's like.. the feelings are starting to fade away but I'm afraid I'll regret if I were to delete it. I don't know. I need more time to think of this decision of mine. Should I or should I not?
Monday, May 26, 2008
I was looking through my old Friendster account and viewed the old comments that my friends gave me especially baby's. A nostalgia for the old love. The new love in me starts to shine again. Love and old poetries ; all cherished. This could be a brand new start with you. And I'm leaning on this broken fence between past and present tense. And I lost in all those stupid games that I swore I'd never play. Let's hope our love lasts longer than before.
Jeepers creepers
There is definitely something wrong with the house next door. Nobody has lived there for 2 years now since Zul moved back in last year from the UK. It's currently a place for black cats roaming at night now and lights are on without notice.
We should check the house out next time, brothers.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Gay day.
HOLY CRAP! Today we befriended a transsexual. His/her name is Jenny. She works at this hair saloon in the mall called Sensual.. something. It all began when he/she hissed at me when me and Fikri went to check out the sign of the saloon. Suddenly, this man/woman in green stood at the doorway. I don't know what do you call that kind of movement but she did it with his/her finger. HAHAHA! We ran back and told the guys.
That guy played his/her tongue at Fikri!
To tell you, he/she's a good person. We went to the exit which was next to the saloon just to distract that man/woman one more time. Damn, he/she then went to the exit. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could because I'm afraid maybe he/she'll molest us or something :s But it appears that he/she didn't do anything at all. So we just chilled there and had a little chit-chat. Here is how the conversation goes..
Fathul: Yeah. I'm half Japanese and half Chinese.
Jenny:Oh. How old are you?
Fathul: I'm 22 years old.
Jenny: Do you still go to school?
Fathul: Nope.
Jenny: *points at me* Hmm, what about you?
Me: I'm 16.
Jenny:Oh I see.
Me: So.. you do uhh.. good haircut?
Jenny: Depends. How old are you? *points at Fikri*
Fikri: I'm 17 years old. I'm a driver. Thailand and chinese ; mix.
Jenny: You look like you're 14. *laughs* What about you? *looks at Zul*
Zul: I'm 18 years old.
Jenny: *looks at me* You look like a filipino. *laughs*
Me: Me? A filipino? Are you kidding me?
Fikri: Is your belt a snake skinned?
Jenny: Umm no. It's. (I forgot what she said)
Fikri: Oh, can you give me?
Jenny: No way. This is for ladies only!
Fikri: I want to be a girl. How?
Jenny: First, you gotta have long hair. Have boobs. Big hips.
*Fathul starts blowing his jacket*
Jenny: Stop blowing, you look so pretty.
Fathul: Chibai wan you..
I find her laugh hilarious! She asked for our number and Fathul gave her "the" number ;) HAHAHA!
P/S: Listen up guys, you should befriend a transsexual sometime. Maybe, she'll take you out to dinner or something :D HAHAHAH!
Where's my drink that man/woman promised me? -Fikri.
My beloved.
I'll be there for you
Let your heart guide you but listen closely because it whispers
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead
Just walk beside me and be my love forever
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Near death experience.
Short Brawl @ 2:50AM ; I had a short fight with Fathul just now. It started out when I boasted that I wanted to fight with anyone of the brothers. Fathul accepted the challenge. He punched my back and used his knees and kicked me right at my genitals. My near death experience was that I got tossed near the sharp edge of Zul's veranda. If he were to push me harder and it hit my spine, I could've died!
Let's do that some other time again, bro. :)
Shuffle BATTLE.
We had ourselves a shuffle battle tonight excluding me. Turns out, the battle wasn't a real shuffle battle. It became a beat-down ; well-planned during dinner. And you know who got beaten? Who else ;) Hahaha! 2 videos were captured and it will be uploaded soon. Gila wah :D Each of them got exhausted and here are the results.
Fikri got kicked and pissed.
Zul laughed all the way.
Afiq got beaten!
Afiq the Rubix
aTonight, Mr.Afiq 'Knackered' Taufiq is trying his best to beat the world record of the fastest Rubix cube solving which is 9 measly seconds. He trained so hard, day and night. He also said that there's a guy solving the Rubix cube blind-folded in 11.43 seconds. Now THAT'S an awesome record. I would like to meet him sometime if i get the chance to. So now I'm timing his solution. His best record is 58 seconds ; which is self-timed. Observing..
With a song to go with it too! Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger! ^^
2 minute 25 seconds! He overran his record! Greatest congratulations!
We were expecting a lesser time but he bit off more than he could spin! For shame. What a night for Mr.Knackered :D
He tried again and he got 1 minute 41 seconds. We don't know when is he gonna stop with his knackered Rubix solving! HAHAHAHA
Fathul says,"like so lama aku.. tunggu!"
Friday, May 23, 2008
Such great heights :)
In our eyes are mirror images and when
We kiss they're perfectly aligned
And I have to speculate that God himself
Did make us into corresponding shapes like
Puzzle pieces from the clay
True, it may seem like a stretch, but
Its thoughts like this that catch my troubled
Head when you're away when I am missing you to death
When you are out there on the road for
Several weeks of shows and when you scan
The radio, I hope this song will guide you home
I tried my best to leave this all on your
Machine but the persistent beat it sounded
Thin upon listening
That frankly will not fly. you will hear
The shrillest highs and lowest lows with
The windows down when this is guiding you home
Sunday, May 18, 2008
He's not afraid at all.
tadi wah, setaie the man ah, you tau apa?
('.') & maybe anyhow i'll get another toy. says:
Muiii. Si Blank(: ILoveYou says:
tadi mama ckp arah ia, ' kalau bapa si fathul or si afiq gitau polis, macam mana?' then you know what he answered?
('.') & maybe anyhow i'll get another toy. says:
Muiii. Si Blank(: ILoveYou says:
'cuba ia gitau polis, suruh ia dtg ke sini, ku tumbuk dorang'.
('.') & maybe anyhow i'll get another toy. says:
Muiii. Si Blank(: ILoveYou says:
talur banar the man ani,
('.') & maybe anyhow i'll get another toy. says:
what the fuck
Muiii. Si Blank(: ILoveYou says:
macam inda takut wah.
Muiii. Si Blank(: ILoveYou says:
ia tah
Muiii. Si Blank(: ILoveYou says:
palui banar
Muiii. Si Blank(: ILoveYou says:
bah, lau kami panggil polis, lari udah tu.
('.') & maybe anyhow i'll get another toy. says:
au eh
Zul's mom is flying off to London today. We got no transport, no money, no food & no cigarettes. We walked along the sidewalk, cars passing by, Next-ing on the way and Swifts caught our eyes many times. Fathul said he wants to buy the car when he gets his license next time. AND if he got cash.
Yeah man, I'm talking about this Swift. It's better than nothing. Let's say you want to buy a more expensive car with body kits and stuff, I'd say move on cause you're just trying to bluff yourself.
Zul's dad picked us up when we were on our way. All we did was laugh and play.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
A message to the whole world.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Yesterday's fake event.
I received some information about this so called 'radiation' from people yesterday. Rumors says this radiation was going to occur at 11 o'clock. All of this is a joke! To everyone who believed it, I don't know what has gotten in to you guys but they're just trying to fool you. How can you predict a radiation that is coming EXACTLY at 11pm? If it was a nuclear radiation, I can fully understand but this.. a huge radiation or some sort? They say all phones will get caught in it. And this warning about placing it over your head. Who the hell wants to put a phone over their heads?! Give me a break! To whoever set up this prank, get a life and do something that involves yourself, not others!
Friday, May 09, 2008
Nappy buoy!
It's hard for me to go out these days. Sometimes the driver is busy. I prefer the old ways, the old driver sending me to Gadong but nooo.. now he's working as a friggin' kebab seller.
Anyways, we went to Gadong earlier around 3. There's nothing much to do there nowadays, and all that we ever did was bogis-ing and walking around. And even, battled people in Tekken 5 :D The place was creepy crawling with hideous poklens!
We eventually got bored and decided to chill at Azy's. So yeah, we went there around 5 and Gudu got pissed because we came down late. HAHA!
On our journey to Azy's, Afiq fell asleep and we did some.. photo-taking ;)
HAHAHA! And guess what? When we reached our destination, he realized it all along! He was just faking it! Like a peacock. Wtf. AND THEN!
We got soo so so so bored, we did some more crazy stuffs ;D P/S: Fathul looks like a sissy in the first picture.
Guys, if you want your original sized photo(640x480), just mail me ;) HAHA! You know where to mail me. Declare war tarus, wtf. OH YEAH! Nada orang di rumah masa atu 0.0 And while waiting for them to come, we sat in one lonely place and played cards. We even invented a new game called 'Risk Jack's Middle'. The rules? Well..
2. The middle number gets punched by the players who are in the game. E.g: A - 31, B - 25 and C - 19. Player B gets punched! :) Cool eh?
3. Once you take your first card, you are not allowed to look at it. The same goes to the others if taken.
4. 2 Lucky cards will be shuffled throughout the deck ; otherwise flipped.
5. If you punch in the wrong time, you get punch twice.
I got punched 5 times in a row and that's a record ;) The person who got punched the most was Afiq ;D HE EVEN CALLED ME AFIQ! "Nice one, Fiq!"
Sunday, May 04, 2008
A fun and dumb night to never forget.
Can't wait for the sequel! :D
It was a fun night though. Those are our confessions.
