Thursday, March 13, 2008

An adventurous journey back home.

Yeessss~ Today,we(Fathul,Daus and Fikri) had an adventurous journey from the Airport and back to my place :) Jalan kaki kami. hahaha,before that i stayed at SOAS at around 2 with the brothers excluding Afiq,he got school. For the first time,I saw my cousin Rafie in SOAS,near the parking lot watching people playing futsal. We went back to the airport around 5.

Fathul told me that Daus' mum is going to KL and that his mum will lanja us makan.When we reached the airport,I saw si Gizmo. hahaha,he was like attending an occasion or something. haha,i opened my window and shouted his name. The first time I shouted,he didn't realised. The second time,he looked back and waved. Gizmo atuu.

In the airport,we chilled at a cafe. I don't know whats it called actually. Ate roti kahwin and drank cold water. apakan,atu pun. Around 7,Daus' mum came with Naim,Daus' stepbrother. After his mum went in,we decided to go home by ourselves :) and it was raining. haha,skill~ There were two ways,Terunjing Lama and Muara. I chose Terunjing Lama so we went there. It was a lonely road,like it has never been used for so long. Cars often pass by there and street lamps were dim. It took us about 1 hour to reach Jalan Bedil. But before that,we stopped by Mufakat to buy cigarettes.When we reached home,we cooked mee goreng.

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