Sunday, June 07, 2009

Sports Day.

I attended St. Andrew's 42nd Annual Sports Day earlier this afternoon. I brought Fathul and Fikri along. The crowds were going wild. Miss Ong and Mrs. Manik were the commentators. Guess what? DANSON IS VICTORIOUS! They even won the Tug-o-war! Macdougall came in second followed by Cornwall and Hollis. I'll post up pictures when I get them. Too bad Fizah wasn't there :(

No school tomorrow because they're giving us a day off to rest and relax. Thank goodness! You should watch Mrs. Peter run! I'm proud of you, ma'am! :D

I'm exhausted. I just got back from the gym with Fikri and Malik. Gaddaymn!

Aloha, best friends!

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