Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The Box.

Ahh, hello to you readers out there. It's been a great day, ey? I just want to congratulate the newly weds, Hajah Lailatul Zubaidah & Faren Noor. May you both have a wonderful start in your married life. Things aren't the way they are suppose to be nowadays, you know. A best friend of mine told me to think out of the box. I found this article about thinking in/out of the box and I thought maybe it could be useful and make me change for the better.

Inside The Box
Thinking inside the box means accepting the status quo. In-the-box thinkers find it difficult to recognize the quality of an idea. An idea is an idea. A solution is a solution. In fact, they can be quite pigheaded when it comes to valuing an idea. They rarely invest time to turn a mediocre solution into a great solution.

More importantly, in-the-box thinkers are skillful at killing ideas. They are masters of the creativity killer attitude such as "that'll never work" or "it's too risky." The best in-the-box thinkers are unaware that they drain the enthusiasm and passion of innovative thinkers while they kill their innovative ideas.

They also believe that every problem needs only one solution; therefore, finding more than one possible solution is a waste of time. They often say, "There is no time for creative solutions. We just need THE solution."

Even great creative people can become in-the-box thinkers when they stop trying. Apathy and indifference can turn an innovator into an in-the-box thinker.

Outside the Box
Thinking outside the box requires different attributes that include:

1.Willingness to take new perspectives to day-to-day work.

2.Openness to do different things and to do things differently.
3.Focusing on the value of finding new ideas and acting on them.
4.Striving to create value in new ways.
5.Listening to others.
6.Supporting and respecting others when they come up with new ideas.

Out-of-the box thinking requires an openness to new ways of seeing the world and a willingness to explore. Out-of-the box thinkers know that new ideas need nurturing and support. They also know that having an idea is good but acting on it is more important. Results are what count.

Results are what count.. I read it over and over again to wonder if it's true or not true. You see, the reason why I posted this article up is because I caused awful problems to people back in the past and I intend to be a better person for now. Exams are weeks away and I've got to concentrate. For those who are currently having their examinations going on, break a leg. I'm sorry guys.

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