I have things to do before time flips this world into another year ahead! Things like attending my friend's birthday celebration, checking in at Palm Garden Hotel and playing futsal at Meteora, Tungku. It's not much, but I hope these events are not going to make me tired for the countdown afterwards.
2011 has been fun - so fun that I still can remember the days I went out with Nisa, the day I got Tony the Electric Blue Cichlid, the day I went to Miri during my birthday, the days we went back and forth to and from KB, Aisle Of Before's performance during SAS's Prom Night and during Muhyi's cousin's function, sleepless nights with my brothers and sisters, the night I sprained my left ankle when I wanted to retrieve the ball from the other side of the parking lot, the nights I checked in at Rizqun Hotel with Omar, Waie (and Sahrul in the last night of our lives), ZOMBIE MODES, PS3s got inflicted by the Yellow Light of Death (my brother's and Fadhli's), SOAS days, how Owl City released tremendous songs which are in his All Things Bright and Beautiful album, the night I made the birthday card for Ijah, the growth of my remaining 5 cichlids and unexplained deaths of the other fish, the ghost who got spooked by Fathul, ATV adventure at Tungku Beach, Fikri's barbecue in celebration of his birthday, numerous pool nights with Afiq etc etc.
OH! For the record in my entire history, I actually held and touched an owlet!!! His name is Oli. I'll upload the picture soon!
2012 is just a day away! I've just got to say that 2011 has been a wonderful year coated with both bitterness and sweetness. The people whom I've met this year made me who I am now. Memorable days shall be cherished and hopeless days shall be forgotten. Thank yourselves and Allah for travelling safe and soundly this far and for continuing to live up to your reputation. It's time to stir up new resolutions!
THESE WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN - EVER! New year, new resolutions. Get to it! What's yours? ;)
Saturday, December 31, 2011
New Year's ahead.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Birthday boy's present.
Hey! I just realized that the 'Edit HTML' and 'Compose' options are back! Well, I guess it will be easier for me to add in pictures now. (Goes to show why I haven't uploaded any pictures lately.)
Afiq picked me up and gave me something he got from KK. Guess what is is? A Chelsea Away 11/12 kit! You know, the one with the mini blue squares. I've been wanting that shirt ever since I laid my eyes on them! It even comes with the pants! Thank you very much!
And so, the 9 of us met up at Mamih, Sg Hancing and planned to head over to Memet's house and surprise him together - eX! style. We were 20 minutes early. Even Sarah tagged along with her good friend to join in the fun! We all got in his house unnoticed and settled down in the dining room at first, having to light up the candles on the cake and set up the plates and carry the drinks. Carefully, we sneaked up and waited outside his room. Bahrin called Memet's parents to join the surprise we were going to throw him. As a mean of distraction, Memet's mom switched off the wireless connection -- while he was playing LoL, saying that the wireless was cut off! Hahaha! We heard him and he was on his way out. When he got out of his room, all of us sang the birthday song and he was surprised! There were smiles on everybody's faces -- and the widest smile goes to the birthday boy!
Together we went into the living room and gathered. Everyone had a slice of the cake. Honestly, it tasted amazing! It was a Kit-Kat chocolate coated cake with assorted fruits on top. Therefore, with us still sticking around, Memet's mom decided to cook up some food for us. I expected it to be only enough for all of us in the room. It turned out to be a big bowl of noodles and nuggets! Only half of each bowl was eaten! I'm sure the leftovers were for Maidi and his friends.
After Memet's surprise party, we decided to go ghost-hunting at a cemetery in Salambigar. I didn't expect this kind of activity, but the heck with it anyway. I also wanted to add this experience in my life.
The place was spooky and dark. There were 10 of us including the birthday boy. Slowly we ascended up the lonely white stairs which led us to a small shelter. Shivers ran down my spine, but I needed not to say anything concerning the scary atmosphere. The brave ones were Aqel, Afiq, Haji and Geez. They even took a walk around the graveyard! The air was cool, dogs were barking, trees were stirring so softly and only mobile phone lights were there to help us shine the dark. I don't know what some of them saw, but I know it's nothing good. I'd rather not input it here. We didn't even spend at least half an hour there so we decided to go home. The guys felt like they were being watched by the 'things' there. I felt it too! My legs were even shaking as I slowly descended down the stairs. Aqel asked me to look back, but I'd rather not. Who knows what I could catch with my own two eyes! Memet held my left arm, tugging on my sleeve while we headed down. It's okay. It's all 'behind' us now. Hehehehe!
Not long after we exchanged stories in our last destination for the night, Mamih, each of us went home. I think two of them are sleeping over at Memet's. Thanks to Afiq for picking me up and sending me home. What a night it has been! I hope Memet enjoyed his advanced surprise and his 'birthday gift' though! :o) Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Great day!
The fun started after 12 AM. The first thing we did was play Zombie mode on Black Ops. Due to the long absence of Omar and I in surviving together in the mode, we only managed to reach up to Round 14! (It was Omar's fault for bombing himself to death after coming out of the Defcon room in the Pentagon.) I didn't make it through the zombies myself! So I'm thinking it was more of, and still, Omar's fault because I had to run a few rounds to outrun the zombies and revive him. Besides, I picked up the Death Machine on my way out so yeah. Hahaha!
After Zombie mode, we went down to the swimming pool area and played Big Two. The lights were quite dim so it was actually difficult for us to see clearly. It was fun though. We only played a few games and afterwards, we went back up and decided to play a new game. Instead of Big Two, we played Samchong. (I still don't know the correct spelling to the game.) Harith didn't know how to play at first, but thank goodness he knows how to play Poker so it was similar. We played it for HOURS! With Harith having his 'beginner's luck', he finally got the hang of the game. We slept around 6 AM, I think, and woke up at 2:30 PM -- and played Samchong - again. Haha. Never knew that kind of game could kill time.
It's a Wednesday and was close to 4. Fikri texted me up saying that he's heading to Gadong. I figured he got his driving license already. Congratulations! Now you're officially legal to drive around - like a boss. He picked me up and drove to Mamih, Kiulap because I haven't eaten. Right after that, he sent me home.
The traffic today was crazy - in Gadong and Kiulap. It's all because of the 'infamous' criminal of the heavy traffic - pay day. Thanks for sending me back home! And to the guys whom I spent the night with, thanks for a great time! I hope all of you are having a good Wednesday so far! Thanks for reading!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Road Fatalities Reach 42 This Year.
Bandar Seri Begawan - Another young life has been claimed following a tragic accident that took place yesterday at approximately 2.24am, which also resulted in another person sustaining injuries that warranted treatment at the Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (RIPAS) Hospital in the capital.
According to the Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF), the victim of the early morning incident was the 20-year-old male driver of the vehicle who succumbed to multiple injuries, including bleeding from the ears and nose as well as injuries to his chest whilst the other individual was the vehicle's passenger who is still being cared for at the hospital.
The occupants of the car were making their way to the Bandar Seri Begawan/Gadong area via the Rimba Highway when their car veered off the road and hit a tree on the left-hand side of the lane during heavy rain, which had created slippery road conditions and pools of water on the motorway.
The loss of the young man's life brings the nation's road deaths to 42 for the year 2011 thus far - the fifth casualty since October 2011, which has become a major cause of concern for the authorities - in the wake of another accident less than two weeks ago on December 9, 2011 that saw the death of an 18-year-old youth along the Hassanal Bolkiah Highway.
Though human-error such as using mobile phones, failure to wear safety belts, jumping red lights, making illegal U-turns and speeding have been known as some of the many causes of road accidents and also some of the issues faced by the Police when dealing with road lawbreakers. The RBPF also highlighted that the main cause of accidents includes the country's unpredictable weather patterns that brings with it heavy rain.
"Bad weather, particularly heavy rain, can cause obstructed views and lack of clarity and this can worsen when driving at night," pointed the police in a press statement. "Furthermore, effects of heavy rain can also cause slippery roads and contribute. to a number of collected water on the roads surface that is difficult to assess.
"Factors such as these can cause unstable driving and the vehicle driven to skid or veer from the road, especially within the vicinity of areas that are dangerous such as bends and the like."
An earlier report had stated that between January and October .this year, of the 37 road fatalities, nearly
50 per cent of fatal road accidents had involved youths between the ages of 18 and 28. The year 2011 has seen the second highest number of road casualties following the deaths of 54 individuals in 2007.
Over the past four years since 2007, explained the Royal Brunei Police Force, statistics compiled by the Department of Investigation and Traffic Control has revealed the glaring increase of road accidents from 2,674 cases to a peak of 3,414 cases in 2010 and a recorded number of 3,321 cases from January until December 2011.
During the same period of time, the number of road fatalities and of those sustaining minor to serious injuries from accidents have been fluctuating with the year 2007 witnessing 74 serious injuries and 54 deaths; 57 serious injuries and 29 deaths in 2008; 72 serious injuries and 28 deaths in 2009; and 74 serious injuries and 26 deaths in 2010.
Minor injuries, meanwhile, totalled to 482, 458, 536, 624 and 590 for each respective year.
--Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin
Friday, December 16, 2011
Sahrul's surprise.
I hope Sahrul's birthday surprise went according to plan at Ahan Thai's Restaurant, Gadong yesterday. At first, I thought the cake would come through the entrance and slowly being carried to the birthday boy's table, but I was wrong. It came from the kitchen! I was also surprised, so I just singed the birthday song along with them. Thanks for making it happen, guys!
After lunch, we went to Qx Pool Cafe, Kiulap in favour of Sahrul. Afiq and I were playing as a team against Harith and Zairul. The score ended 3 - 1 with us emerging victorious! Good game, guys! We only played for 2 hours, I think. After that, we went to bowl at Mega Strike, Times Square. Omar finished first who was followed by me beating Afiq just by one point! Harith was the loser. Jk. Omar has the snapshot of the scoreboard. I'll upload it as soon as I get it!
I had to deliver a "package" to Fathul. The meeting point was at Rizqun, Gadong. I thought after I handed him the package, we were going to call it a night, but we decided to hang out some more. Afiq brought us to Jerudong Park Foodcourt because he was going to meet "someone" there. I didn't know who though, but Amin guessed that she was related to Bazlaa. Funny because it turned out that "someone" was a friend of mine! Nothing to be ashamed of, but there were smiles throughout though! Now I'm home ---- alone. T-T Thanks to Afiq for picking me up and sending me back home! Thanks to everyone who showed up! This day shall be cherished as one of the memorable days I've ever had! Most importantly, you've to just chill and enjoy. Thanks for reading, guys!
Before I forget, I hope Tayib will have a safe flight to the UK! He flew off yesterday evening. Take good care of yourself, bro! See you next year!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Gambateh FC 1 - 5 Cobra + SAS FC
A comfortable win today at UBD Sports Complex field against a friend who always greets me whenever he sees me in school in the past two years. His name is Amiruddin Hardy. The team we were up against are called Gambateh FC. As for us, we, Cobra FC, combined with SAS FC. There were lots of us - almost the whole team showed up (except for Ruzaini, Ajin, Ajis, Tayib, Goh, Kevin, Syu'aib, Vuili and Waie Saiful).
Early in the game, the first goal was scored by Omar and later was followed by Amin. It ended 0 - 2 in the first half. I was playing as a winger and honestly, I don't do so good in the winger position. Yes, I can support and run with the ball and look for players, but having to run up and down the field makes it worse. Once you're out of breath, you're done for. YOU'RE A GONER FOR SURE! Okay, I may have exaggerated a little bit, but yes - I don't think I might be able to cope up with the winger position any further. Also, I suck at finishing. Seriously. Definitely not the poacher type. Once the ball is with me, I only have a chance of 40% to shoot. Another 60% comes when no one interrupts.
The second half started and this time, we got another 3 goals. I'm confused on who scored the third and fourth. Was it Khaliq first or Afiq - but nevertheless, they scored! And that was Afiq's first goal for Cobra FC! Bravo! The last goal was scored by Amin whose ball hit the woodwork and into the net. Nice one! Gambateh FC got their equalizer in the final minutes to end game.
I had a great time today! Thanks for paying for the field and the invitation, Muq! Hoping for another match!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Happy birthday, Abang Tadee!
Happy birthday, Aina!
CHE 2 - 1 MC
I couldn't believe what I saw when I checked Twitter this morning! I was thinking that Chelsea might have lost to Manchester City, but ---- I was wrong. Not until I saw 'on the winning of a big three points' by Chelsea FC's Official Twitter! It was shocking, really. Yet it gave a great relief to have defeated Manchester City with the scoreline of 2 - 1 who hasn't been defeated by any teams in the BPL. In fact, we inflicted their first BPL defeat this season! My goodness...
AVB: 'We had a bad run of results and we needed a change which we did in two big games. The players deserve credit.'
You're right, AVB. We did have a bad run, but your words of encouragement and never-ending support helped us pull through this! You didn't give up - not once. I hope it's not too early to thank you because you deserve it, good sir. Enjoy your life as a Chelsea manager and I hope you can continue your winning ways!
Ahh. It could've been a heart-pounding match to watch! I even asked Fikri to wake me up at 4, but once he did, I was so tired that I went back to sleep. I want to see how Balotelli scored just in 2 minutes in the game. I want to see how Raul Meireles scored. And I definitely want to see how Frank Lampard confidently took his penalty which wasn't saved by England's #1 Joe Hart. Well done, Blues!!! KTBFFH
(One thing to do if I want to see those mentioned above: YOUTUBE!)
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Turned out to be a good night.
An hour at Meteora tonight wasn't that exciting after all. In fact, we didn't even play for an hour! Sure we came early, but the previous people who booked before us were still meddling around in the court. (No) thanks to them, we only played for about 40 minutes or so. Also, Only 7 of us showed up. We had to play with the small goalposts. I thought Tayib was coming, but he couldn't make it. Last I heard, he was at the airport. Oh well. Note to self: If an hour is only available, DON'T BOOK!
I thought that was going to be it. After futsal, it's go home time for all of us,but no. Somebody had an idea! Therefore, we decided to take another hour to play street futsal at the stadium. Biasa~ It was much funner actually with no one there to stop us. After a tiring game, we decided to call it a night! Thanks to Afiq for sending me home! Before he did, he asked me to accompany him to pick Amin up from Asnawi's place in Tanjong Nangka. (Sooooo far!) Amin just got back from Miri. That's why. Hope you had fun in Miri! Hope you guys had fun tonight too!
Now I'm home alone again. I wonder when will my mom stay put in this place... Well, I got my ice lemon tea and my 'Schnapps'! Thanks for reading, guys!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Eye the sky.
The eclipse starts tonight! I was outside on my verandah a half an hour ago to find a beautiful sight of a bright full moon! Ahh, it just gave me the feeling to be with you all over again. Fikri is here with me. We used my sister's (cheap) telescope to get a better view of the moon. Even though it's not that good of a quality, I could see wee bit of details of the moon.
I had the idea to go up onto the rooftop and get a BETTER view! We got into the elevator and headed up on the highest floor of this apartment; the 12th. When the elevator doors opened, the place was dark. I had a funny feeling, but I kept it to myself. We switched on our phones' flashlights and made our way to the creepy-looking doors. It creaked and when we flashed upwards, there were bats! Lots of 'em! Fikri suggested that we turn back before anything ugly happens to us - like, having the bats to pee on our heads! I heard you could go bald!
We just headed down to the 9th floor, sat on the staircase with a great view of the moon. It's the least we could do. We decided to go back down to my place. 3 more hours to the 'maximum eclipse' - what Miss Smartypants Nisa told me. ^~^
Now, we're waiting for Afiq to pick us up to chill on a Saturday night. Thanks for reading!
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Crazy day.
We checked out from Rizqun Hotel at 4 yesterday and I asked Omar to send me home straight. It didn't hit me until I realized that my keys weren't with me so I wasn't able to enter my apartment. I was stuck. My phone was running out of juice that I had to find a nearby socket to charge so I quickly texted up Fathul to come and pick me up after work and follow wherever he's going. Out of nowhere, my sister texted me up saying that my grandma's driver was coming over to hand the keys over - so much for just a ring of keys. I told him to just meet at the same place just beside Rizqun. We reached Gadong and thankfully I got my keys. Thank you for taking your time to make your way down to Gadong, uncle!
Fathul went to Hot Point to eat with his friends so Fikri and I went shopping! - window-shopping pulaang~ First, Fikri surveyed mobile repair shops to see how much it cost to fix his (condemned) mobile phones. Walked here and there - I didn't mind! I had nowhere in mind to go either! After, we went to this shoe store to check out the Timberland boots there. The black one caught my eye, but I hadn't enough cash. I want a new pair of shoes though, buuuuut -- it can wait! Fortunately, Fikri's long desired yellow Asics were there on display! I asked him if he wanted to purchase it, but he just shook his head. I even tried it out! By looking at the mirror, it looked nice! But yellow is just not my kind of colour. Maybe I'll look around for Puma shoes next time!
Staying up real late, lack of sleep, UNO, early morning swim, Russell Peters - what a day! I am tired right now that I can just crawl up onto my bed, get comfortable and visit Dreamland in any minute. But it's still early. (Yes, 11 PM is still early in the Holiday Meridian Time. Ok, what.) I'll just stop here. Thanks for reading, guys!
First time checking in.
(It's been nearly a week since I last updated my blog. Well, here I am now!)
Hello! I am checking in from Rizqun Hotel right now and honestly, this is my first time ever! Thanks to Omar for inviting me! Unsurprisingly, Harith is here too! The room is not that bad! I can slightly remember entering a room similar to this one once with my aunt, but now I am feeling it! It is fancy! - a little bit spacious than I would've expected. As for the internet connection, I am connecting via mobile phone. Hehehe! Paying for the wireless connection for just one night is expensive and not worth it so I've to carefully not let my credit go to waste. Last night, I remember having about $1 left and I wasted them down to the last cent!
Anyhoot, I had a good dinner last at Secret Recipe with Omar and his cousin Sita. I was saving my budget, but Omar insisted on paying my meal for me. I had chicken steak with fries and apple kasturi juice. You know, I only asked for the apple and not the kasturi. When the drink arrived, it was -- really really sour! But nevertheless, thanks again! Not long after Harith arrived, we went for a late dinner at Pastamania. Only had my Pastamania favourite, pepperoni pizza. (Please take note. Lol. Jk.)
They're watching Manchester United's game against Basel now. Both are -- stressed, I think? Because Manchester United are one goal down. Well, I hope I could blog about later's activity! Thanks for reading!
Basel scored another now. United are two goals down. Wew. Chill, Red Devils~
Friday, December 02, 2011
ATV - "VROOM! VROOM!" -Yusree
Had a wild ride with the guys at Tungku Beach today! I spent my last $5 bill and only played for 15 minutes. The extra 5 minutes I played was shared with Ashif. Thanks! We explored the tracks in the forest. Harith brought me inside at first. Soon we called the rest over and together we took pictures and had a great time! When Ashif and I were waiting at the starting point, Omar, Yusree and Harith went to somewhere deep inside the forest which led them out to enable them to see the wonderful view of Empire! Here are some pictures of the adventurous journey!
Puss In Boots.
I almost forgot to blog about our outing yesterday with Omar, Harith and the galz. We watched Puss In Boots. The movie was incredible! On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give it a 9. I thought it was going to be another movie with Shrek or Donkey or other fairy-tale, but only Humpty Dumpty and Jack and Jill were involved. Honestly, Humpty looked fugly. A human face, human arms with an egg-y personality. Get it? Ok, no.
Overall, it's a must-watch for all you cinephiles out there. I'd hate to spoil the movie for you, but it was nice to see a kitty cat partner for Puss. Well, I guess that's about it. Thanks for reading, guys!
No Shave November
Happy birthday, Syazana!
