Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Guess who's back?

Welcome back, Mr. No!

My mom told me back then that he'll come back by mid of February. I thought he was a goner for sure. When I asked my mom in the car earlier, she said he's coming back today. I was still unaware of that but not until I checked the kitchen. There he was with his new haircut. :)

Geography was alright. I didn't revise about coastal landscape! The last section was essay writing and there were two choices: coastal landscape and population. I did revise about population but I did coastal landscape instead. (Population was about China or India so I passed.)
Combined Science was a pain in the buns especially in Chemistry and Physics. I even had trouble with the multiple choice questions! == I really need to pull up my socks. Tomorrow's the last day of the assessment tests. English is going to a piece of cake! (I hope.)

Happy 17th Birthday Chung Andric!
Enjoy your birthday today! Have a blast. God bless.

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