Saturday, June 26, 2010

Futsal for CCA.

Our co-curricular activities have been changed due to the start of the 3rd term. Finally, I'm in a club that I've been wanting and waiting for two terms already which is futsal. At least I have some buddies of mine with me: Kevin, Ashif, Harith Waie and Waie Saiful. I had a good time while I was in Music club although I didn't do much. Never got the music book or bought the recorder. I was even voted president -- so-called president. The thing was that, I didn't have any friends from my class. Every Saturday, I'd take a chair, sit further back in the middle and watch everything that was going on. Now, I don't have to do that and listen to those annoying sounds of the recorders again. Amin was supposed to be in Dance & Drama but his name appeared in the futsal's list. Lucky for him. Kevin, Waie Saiful and I didn't play though because we weren't in our sports attire. I can't wait for next week! :D

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